Labour agreements are negotiated between the Australian Government and employers. As a general rule, they are in effect for 5 years and can be used to sponsor overseas workers for:
There are 5 main types of labour agreements:
- Company-specific labour agreements
- Industry labour agreements
- Project agreements
- Designated area migration agreements
If a labour agreement is in place, then the employer can hire overseas professionals for occupations that are approved under the agreement. However, the employer still needs to prove that they have tried to fill the position with an Australian worker and undertaken Labour Market Testing (LMT).
You can check the list of already existing Labour Agreement.
1.Company-specific labour agreements
This type of labour agreement is developed directly with the employer and will only be used for genuine skills or labour shortages that are not already provided in other labour agreements (industry, project or designated area migration).
Find the current company specific labour agreements.
2. Industry labour agreements
This type of agreement is based on fixed terms and conditions that are agreed to by the Minister and key stakeholders for specific industry sectors. Such a labour agreement could be used in cases where the Department has received a higher number of submission from the same industry but there is still ongoing labour shortage for that industry.
The existing industry labour agreements cover the following industries:
- fast food
- restaurant (fine dining)
- snow sports
- meat
- fishing
- fast food
- dairy
- on-hire
- pork
On-hire industry labour agreements
On-hire businesses can recruit temporary skilled worker for occupations that are on the combined list of skilled occupations.
Evidence of not being able to fill the position with an appropriately qualified Australian worker needs to be provided. On-hire businesses with relevant labour agreements act as approved sponsors for your visa and can nominate and hire overseas workers in the approved occupations.
Pendragon, Polyglot and other companies have established on-hire industry labour agreements.
3. Project labour agreements
Under this agreement, project companies that are facing genuine skills or labour shortages, can hire temporary skilled overseas workers under the TSS visa to ensure there is enough workforce during a construction phase of resource or infrastructure projects.
4. Designated Area Migration Agreements (DAMA)
These agreements are for state or territory governments who are wishing to strengthen their unique economic and labour market conditions through this agreement based network. Employers in areas that are facing skills and labour shortages can sponsor skilled and semi-skilled workers.
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