Exciting news for all families and relatives migrating to Australia! The minimum amount required for a couple in Australia to sponsor their parents migration to Australia using the Parent Visa is now back down to the affordable amount of $45,185 per annum and $45,000 for single sponsors, which is nearly half the amount it was raised to last month in March 2018.
Income requirements reduced
There were some drastic changes announced last month that struck a blow on a lot of migrating families. A change in March 2018 which was passed very quietly by the Federal Government required a couple to earn a much higher threshold of income if they wanted to bring their parents over to Australia.
It was a program that the Federal Government believed would assist in keeping a majority of new migrants off welfare, and would therefore benefit the Governments financial budget in return.
This increased amount for sponsors was set at $115,475 per annum for two people wanting to bring their parents over. If it was a single person sponsoring, then that person was required to earn a minimum amount of $86,606 per annum, which means more than double the amounts previously required. This in reality made things very difficult for low to mid-range earners who were trying to make their families whole again on the minimum wage…
But after rising the amount for a Parent Visa to that ridiculous standard, the government in return received a significant backlash from a number of ethnic communities pointing out that this new high threshold was unfair and a wrongful doing to families in Australia.
The Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils in Australia openly stated that these changes would impact heavily on the relative reunions and financial status of the affected families.
As the backlash continued to haunt the Australian Government, a collection of senators (being in majority Labour and Greens) quickly planned to have a disallowance motion which would undo the significant changes and bring the annual minimum down to the previous amount being $45,185 per annum.
The government knowing they would be defeated in parliament by the Labour and Green senators agreed to reverse their position and bring the minimum threshold back down to the lower threshold amount.
There has also been written assurance from Government that any Parent Visas that have been assessed in the higher threshold will be able to have their application reviewed under this new beneficial change.
This has been in result a fantastic win for the multicultural society of Australia and will ensure more families can be reunited in their new home.
With this good news out, contact us today for more information and see how this can assist your family being reunited!