Got a leaking tap? Blame migrants!
The Federal budget of Australia is due next month and as always what will be in store is making news. But curiously, migration industry too is keeping a close look. Now you will ask what migration industry has got to do with something that details the country’s finances and is purely an economic policy document.
Well, strange are the times we live in. Housing affordability has been a hot button issue for past several months now and there are groups that are urging the government to announce a cut in migration so that it eases the housing prices in the country!
This is the most lol thing that you must have heard in a long time. No debate on how to increase the housing supply, taking a holistic look at negative gearing, incentivising migrants to settle in cities other than Sydney and Melbourne; but what is being debated is how to cut migration.
Ever heard of throwing the baby with the bathwater? This is what is being recommended. Politicians everywhere look for scapegoats and Australia’s are no different. But I am hopeful that sanity will prevail and powers that be will realise that it is migration which is oiling the economy’s engine so smoothly. Cut it and you will stutter to stop.