South Australia Immigration have revised their requirements for accessing the work experience waiver for international graduates of SA.
SA graduates will now be required to have worked for the last 3 months in a skilled occupation at the time of their skilled migration application. (This is to update the previous rule of 1 year of skilled work experience in the past 3 years leading up to the skilled migration application).
This has been the work of South Australia Immigration to enable their case officers to collect appropriate evidence to verify the applicant’s current employment in the state and to also ensure that the employment outcomes are good occurrences and genuine positions.
Some occupations may have additional work experience requirements of up to 12 months before the application. You can check if your occupation is one of those by checking the occupation lists.
This new change will apply to all applications made after the 28th of May 2018.
Changes to chain migration pathways
In about a month’s time, on the first of July 2018, the chain migration pathway will be offered only to Skilled Regional Provisional 489 Visa.
South Australia wants to ensure that migrants are settling in the state of South Australia and not using this as a pathway to settle in other Australian states. This means that family members living in SA will need to show that they have been a resident of South Australia for a minimum of 24 months, as opposed to the previous 12 months.
How could this affect you?
Contact one of our friendly consultants to find out more today!