Student and Graduate Visas
1. Can I stay in Australia if I completed my studies?
Yes, you may be eligible for a Temporary Graduate visa Subclass 485 or Skilled Recognised Graduate Visa Subclass 476 which allows eligible international students to temporarily live and work in Australia after completion of studies in Australia for up to 4 years depending on your qualifications.
2. Can I reapply for a student visa after I complete my course?
Yes, you can apply for another student visa if you meet the requirements. You can also apply for Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485) which allows you to live and work in Australia for up to 4 years depending on your qualifications.
3. Can I become a permanent resident if I am on Temporary Graduate visa Subclass 485?
Yes, Temporary Graduate visa allows you to extend your stay in Australia for up to 4 years with full working rights. Accordingly, you may be eligible to apply for permanent skilled migration visas.
4. Can I include family members in my Temporary Graduate visa Subclass 485 application?
Yes, you may include your partner and dependent children in your application.
5. Can I apply for Subclass 485 visa if I am on a Bridging Visa after completion of my course?
Yes, you are eligible to apply for Subclass 485 visa if you hold a valid Bridging Visa A or B, provided your student visa was the last substantive visa that you held. Further, you must not have been subjected to other visa cancellations or refusals.
6. What is Washington Accord?
Washington Accord is an international agreement between relevant bodies of participating or signatory countries for accrediting undergraduate engineering degree programmes. It identifies degree programmes accredited by bodies of respective nations that are equivalent and accordingly, recommends that graduated students who are applying for practice of engineering be recognised internally by the holders of Washington Accord agreement, having met their academic requirements.
7. Can I apply for Skilled Recognised Graduate Visa Subclass 476 when I am outside Australia?
Yes, lodgement of visa application can be done onshore or offshore. However, you must be outside Australia when a decision is made on your application.