186 Visa

Changes to Labour Market Testing Requirements

Certain visas require testing the local labour market in Australia before nominating an overseas worker in an eligible occupation. You must show to the Department that no suitable worker is present in Australia for a particular skill for which you are nominating an overseas skilled worker. This is called Labour market testing (LMT). LMT generally…

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Safe Haven Enterprise Visa during COVID-19

Temporary Residency Extension for Hong Kong Passport Holders

Ever thought of a scheme that extends your visa duration by up to five years? Well, if you are someone from Hong Kong, you could be the lucky one! As the Australian government has decided to extend the temporary visas for students and skilled workers from Hong Kong.  Under this scheme, the current and future…

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MCA Blog

Options for you to consider if your Job situation has changed

With the harrowing effects of the coronavirus pandemic, many of us have experienced that our job situation has changed. In fact, this pandemic has hit the employment sector of Australia the hardest, with thousands losing their jobs or having their hours reduced. If you were sponsored or nominated by your current employer, state or territory…

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COVID-19 Visa Changes for Employers

COVID-19 Visa Changes for Employers and Subclass 482 Visa Holders

Currently in Australia, there are around 139,000 temporary skilled visa holders. As a result of the current coronavirus pandemic, thousands of temporary skilled workers in Australia have been stood down or have had their work hours reduced. This has affected the livelihoods of many and it has put a big dent in Australia’s economy. At…

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Training Benchmarks

Training Benchmarks are still valid

Training Benchmarks were abolished from 12 August 2018 with the introduction of the Skilling Australia Fund (SAF) levy. However, sponsoring employers may still need to meet Training Benchmark obligations. This means that: Please note that Training Benchmarks still apply to all sc457 Sponsors who have or had sc457 visa holders working for them. The Skilling…

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